Friday, January 13, 2012

Thompson's Building Materials Pallet Garden

by Fern on January 13, 2012

in Inspiration

Post image for Thompson’s Building Materials Pallet Garden

When a co-worker mentioned that my friend Brenda at Thompson’s Building Materials in Fontana, CA had made some pallet gardens, I rushed (literally!) over to take a look. Don’t let Thompson’s name fool you into thinking they don’t have fantastic plants and pottery (and really awesome built in BBQs if you have the space for one). Because they do! I bought a kumquat while I was there. If you’re in Southern California, you should go check them out. The pallet gardens are hanging near the design center.


By the way, Brenda attached the pallet gardens to the wall using brackets. She said there has been no sign of damage to the wall behind the pallets, probably because she used succulents which need pretty minimal amounts of water. She did mention that since she used pallets with wide openings between the slats that when it is time to replant them, she’s going to use chicken wire to help hold the soil in better.


Oh, one last tip I learned from Brenda. If you have pallets that are colors you don’t want, you can stain them. That’s what Brenda did. She has quite a few on the wall and she wanted them to match, so they’re all stained the same.

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